Monthly Archives: October, 2013

Gift cards and Karma stop

Today I stopped into DB and asked for 10 $5 gift cards. I like to do it all at once so im only a jerk making others wait one time, and I always make it up by gifting one to the person behind me.

Today I ordered a few drinks as well, and my sweet barista took care of them for me.I love having those who see the dream, the goal, and share in the ultimate love we are giving away like candy. 🙂

Time to make some special cards for them!

7 cards, 7 people

today I had a few extra minutes in the Fred Meyer store, so I popped over to the book section and stuffed some cards in books and magazines.


What a fun surprise!

More Love Letters

This site is super cool.

I might even venture to say its Bitchin’! Yeah, I’m bringing that back 🙂

anyhow, this site is based on the idea that we just need more love letters in the world. Honestly, the creator and I have the same goal! we want to share love between strangers, bring us closer together. The only way to get peace across the nations is to show love and compassion for strangers, to love on those you dont know, and Just Love and  Be Love, Give Love, and Give Freely.

I filled out 6 of these badboys and am venturing out right now to go put these into the world.

Go make waves today!