Tag Archives: the kindness of strangers

in the interim of a new lappy :)


This card ended up in the hands of my sister, through not my own devices! It was given through the stranger to stranger interaction, leading to her getting it at her work at the Humane Society. Isnt that amazing?!



This was given to the sweet baristas at starbucks the day before christmas! it was slammed and they were still cheery!



This was for the family behind me, and the car behind them, at starbucks, our first starbucks trip of the day on Christmas eve. It was very busy, and they were very kind and patient to help us give back!



This one is one of my favorites. I went to visit a few old friends from high school in our old restauraunt hangout. Its been 10 years since we were in high school and we felt it appropriate to hang out there. We sat at our usual table and hashed out old memories.

Then a group of current high schoolers walked in.

and they sat at another table and did and said all the same things we used to. I couldnt help but pay it forward to them. I ended up getting accosted by them after I came basck from the bathroom. They gave me the sweetest group hug, and I was changed. I hope they remember themselves when they are older 🙂


Thiss was at dinner with a pal going through a tough illness. Bought 2 gift certificates for the Roadhouse, and had the waitress pick who to give them to 🙂 it was WONDERFUL. she came basck and told us it was one for a family, and the kids got to see the kindness of strangers, and another to a couple who are “regulars”. how wnderful! we left her a 100% tip too 🙂


20 bucks gets you 3 coffees and a great tip for the baristas 🙂


another great tip for another great gal.


I spent one day making some art for my childrens room, full of quotes to keep them looking out and upward.

this is one of my favorites.


Reached out via instagram for thoughts on what to do with a nice 350$ donation (100% of which will go towards my project. I take NONE for me). i decided to do all three that night. it was marvelous to show my children what we can do and how many people we can touch when we use our hearts and wallets. 🙂